Vision of the Department

“To be recognized as excellent technical education and research centre in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering to develop competent professionals and transform them into good human beings”.


Mission of the Department

ü  M1: To facilitate high quality technical education and apply technology for the betterment of society.

ü  M2: To develop collaborative and multidisciplinary projects and use them as a learning platform.

ü  M3: To create research environment to meet ever changing needs of industries, enhance consultancy and outreach activities.

ü  M4: To imbibe the essence of human values, ethics and professional skills for overall development of students.



Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Program educational objectives are defined by department as follows.

PEO1: To make students competent for professional career in Electronics & allied fields. [Breadth: Professional Development]

PEO2: To build strong fundamental knowledge amongst student to pursue higher education and continue professional development in Electronics & other fields. [Core Competence, Preparation]

PEO3: To imbibe professional ethics, develop team spirit and effective communication skills to be successful leaders and managers with a holistic approach. [Professional Value, Knowledge, and development]

PEO4: To nurture students to be sensitive to ethical, societal & environmental issues while conducting their professional work. [Lifelong learning]

PEO5: To explore engineering capabilities to resolve technical problems and engage in lifelong learning and research. [Technical accomplishment]